Friday, March 19, 2010


let's write today about forgiveness. someone sent this to me on the internet and it is so profound."forgiveness is not saying you are wrong and they are right. it is saying that you care more about the relationship than your own ego. " copied

friends, i can live with this. i have had to apologize many times to others,myself and God. it is very freeing. try it!!!!! you might like it and you will surely benefit from it.

forgiveness makes us more humble and more usable.

write the wrong.

this is susan for

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

this is a blue jounal with a cross on the front. it is so appropriate for heartfelt sentiments or coming to gripps with your struggles. the cross has long been a symbol of death and resurrection. so let the grudges die as you write and let new life come from having gotten it off your chest. the truth will set you free.

write the wrong!!!!!!!

this is susan for

Thursday, August 13, 2009

this is a list journal. it is for the days when you want to unclutter your mind so you make a list. i love it. i have been doing this for years.there is freedom in making a list and there is beauty in marking off the items you have accomplished. it is actually therapeutic. if you have never done it before let's start today by listing 3 things you want to do before you go to bed tonight. it could be bathe the dog, do 15 minutes of exercise, and clean out 1 basket. as you finish mark each item off of your list. before you go to bed tonight repeat the process for tomorrow. i promise, this one small thing can make a huge difference in your life. let me know what happens.
write the wrong!!!!!!!
this is susan for

Friday, July 31, 2009

this is a "sweet heart" journal with little messages all over the cover. surprise your granddaughter with this for your next visit. it is so inexpensive. what she writes or jots or colors will become a treasure for years to come. $8.00 plus shipping.
today let's write about the joy of grandchildren. what a wonderful blessing they are. write about something cute they said or did. you think you will remember but you won't.
yesterday my grandson,caleb, was sniffing all of the clothes in a department store. his mother questioned what he was doing. he replied, "these clothes smell like mimi." he is delightful and so very smart.
write the wrong!!!!!!!
this is susan for

Friday, July 24, 2009

we all have our favorites: favorite dress or shoes or purse. this is my favorite journal. the colors remind me of a rainbow. the size is perfect for the serious journaler. it has some scripture inside to motivate your thoughts and actions. it has an air of sophistication. take it to the beach or on a plane or anywhere you want to unload your mind.
today let's write about our favorite. it could be favorite dress or memory or occasion. it could be our favorite thing to do or to eat or our favorite place to go.drink it in. savor the moment. enjoy the luxury. let the endorphins flow. what a privilege.
write the wrong!!!!!!!!
this is susan for

Thursday, July 23, 2009

cupcake journal

this is such a cutie pie. it has cupcakes and suckers on the cover with ribbons to match. this would be a darling ,inexpensive gift for a girl's birthday. you don't even need a birthday card because you could write a cute birthday poem inside the cover. how is that for using your cents wisely?
writing is such inexpensive therapy. our assisgnment for today is to record a happy memory you have from childhood. be as verbose as you like. it might give you some insight you haven't had before.
write the wrong!!!!!!!!!!
this is susan for email me to place an order

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

here's a beauty: the cover is appealing and the word of god is powerful to change our lives. the ribbon is lime green and pink. it is so very feminine.

you could take this journal to the coffee shop and seep yourself in writing as you seep yourself in a cup of your favorite joe with an almond biscotti. it doesn't get any better than this.

today let's write about a bible verse we learned as a child. then let's practice whatever that verse teaches us. there is freedom in writing.

write the wrong!!!!!
this is susan for